Counters for life
The perfect way to keep track of special events and countdowns in a fun, social way!
Simple privacy
Want to keep things private? That’s the default! Or make it public for all? No problemo!
Share or Collaborate
Collaborate with the special people in your life - that’s also super easy. Be notified of various events via cool push alerts.
Kawntr types:
- Birthday countdown - which also allows you to view interesting facts about your birthday
- Anniversary countdown
- Countdown to a specific date in future
- Count from a specific date in the past or future to an end date.
- Countdown from a specific value to zero
- Count from a value and increment by one or any value
General features:
- Follow any Kawntr/Board/Profile
- Group Kawntrs into Boards
- Boards and Kawntrs are private when created
- Share a Kawntr/Board by collaborating with friends/family
- Have select admin collaborators for a public Kawntr/Board from a list of friends/family
The perfect way to keep track of special events and countdowns in a fun, social way! Want to keep things private? That’s the default! Or make it public for all? No problemo! Collaborate with the special people in your life - that’s also super easy. Be notified of various events via cool push alerts.
Notifications and Milestones:
- When others follow you, get notified
- Get notified when a comment is posted
- Get notified when you are made a collaborator on Kawntrs/Boards
- Get birthday/anniversary notifications

Miscellaneous features:
- Post comments on Kawntrs/Boards if enabled
- Login with Facebook
- Invite Facebook friends to Kawntr
- Connect with Facebook friends who use Kawntr
- Share full screen view of your Kawntr/Board/Profile with others via share sheet.
- View shared/public profiles
- View followers / followees list for easy networking
- Upload hero image and edit it with various effects/filters/crop, etc.